menu Bohrer Gallery
Tony Guinn

Tony Guinn

InstagramInstagram (Grayscale)Lakeland, Florida

Since I use a camera to take photographs, it stands to reason that I declare photography as my medium. It’s the “shoe that fits”, when my only option is confinement to a shoe. In this series I’ve chosen a path away from the norms of traditional photography. I use slower-than-normal shutter speeds while moving into, away from or past a scene. In doing so I’ve abandoned the technological capabilities of my camera in favor of capturing the essence of the scene, void of high levels of detail while still being recognizable, to challenge the viewer to look beyond what they’ve come to expect of a traditional photograph. Yes, I declare photography as my medium. It’s the “shoe that fits”, when my only option is confinement to a shoe. I simply choose to photograph bare-footed.

    • Lake Parker Summer Morning
      Lake Parker Summer Morning
Betsy Bohrer

Betsy Bohrer

EmailFacebookLakeland, Florida

I have been a devoted working artist for over 30 years. My paintings provide me a visual voice for expressing the elements of life I hold close to heart — family, community, and spiritual health. Through color and layers of textured materials, I seek to symbolize the building and healing of oneself in connection with one another, nature, and love.

    • Beautiful Awakening
      Beautiful Awakening
    • Euphoric Daydreamer
      Euphoric Daydreamer
Alice Absolutely

Alice Absolutely

WebsiteFacebookInstagramLake Hamilton, Florida

I am a self-taught artist from Central Florida with award-winning photography, abstract acrylics, AI digital creations, and etched paintings on display in galleries and public collections throughout the eastern United States. My work often highlights feminist themes in popular culture, and my aesthetic merges illustration and abstract expressionism with the texture and shine of metallic pigment.

    • Gemini
    • Taurus
    • Virgo
    • Aquarius
Journal Articles for OneWall2022

Journal Articles for OneWall2022

Lakeland, Florida

Interviews conducted with the artists of OneWall2022 and other news about the show!

    • This Year's One Wall Grant Recipient: the Fort Myers Beach Art Association!
      This Year's One Wall Grant Recipient: the Fort Myers Beach Art Association!
Michael Maguire

Michael Maguire

FacebookLakeland, FL

The Bohrer Gallery is grateful for the continued love and support we receive from Michael Maguire. The Maguires of Lakeland have graciously sponsored One Wall's Friday, December 2nd, opening night by providing valet parking for our valued guests and adoring fans! Beauty is in the buy of the beholder. Own Art! - Michael

    • Maguire Logo
      Maguire Logo
Ridley Aligerum

Ridley Aligerum

WebsiteLakeland, Florida

Through my drawings I try to create reflections of our human experiences, to express what is difficult to say with only words.

    • The Thick of It
      The Thick of It
    • Unannounced
    • Less Traveled
      Less Traveled
    • Waiting
    • Swept Up
      Swept Up
    • Seeking Counsel
      Seeking Counsel
    • In One Piece
      In One Piece
Cindy Etheredge

Cindy Etheredge

WebsiteLakeland, Florida

Cindy Etheredge is a native of Saluda County, South Carolina and lives in Lakeland, Florida. Cindy discovered painting as a hidden talent during the pandemic and draws inspiration from natural subjects.

    • White Egret
      White Egret
    • Lowcountry Sunset
      Lowcountry Sunset
    • Central Florida Morning
      Central Florida Morning
    • Preening Heron
      Preening Heron
    • Great Blue Heron
      Great Blue Heron
Daphne Manning

Daphne Manning

InstagramWinter Haven, Florida

The beauty of flowers and the love of painting is what inspires me. Having grown up in my family’s flower shop, I spent many hours surrounded by endless varieties of gorgeous flowers. The uniqueness of each variety has always intrigued me. These pieces are like a walk down memory lane reminding me of the wonderful times I spent working in the shop with my family.

    • Untitled 2
      Untitled 2
    • Untitled 3
      Untitled 3
    • Untitled
Margaret Baker

Margaret Baker

WebsiteEmailInstagramFacebookJournalWinter Springs, FL

Happiness is a precious thing, it comes and goes so easily. In my oil paintings, I hope to capture those in-between moments and make them shine. Each is a familiar and nostalgic story too brief for words, evoked only through introspection and care.

    • Apartment
    • Ride
    • Red Chair
      Red Chair
    • Mom
    • 2020 Headache
      2020 Headache
    • Cards
    • Three Women
      Three Women
    • Pink Sprinkler
      Pink Sprinkler
    • Wait for Me
      Wait for Me
    • All the Puppies
      All the Puppies
    • Beach Camp
      Beach Camp
    • Green Chair
      Green Chair
    • Beach
Thank You, Lakeland Valet!

Thank You, Lakeland Valet!

WebsiteLakeland, Florida

The Maguires of Lakeland have graciously sponsored One Wall's Friday, December 2, opening night by providing valet parking for our valued guests and adoring fans! Thank you to Lakeland Valet and the Maguires of Lakeland!

    Mary May Witte

    Mary May Witte

    EmailWebsiteLakeland, Florida

    My work is inspired by familiar landscapes, the colors and beauty of birds, animals and flowers, and the simple forms found in boats and architecture. I paint with acrylics, mainly on canvas, because I am excited by the layering of color acrylic paint allows. Recently I began using charcoal, watercolor pencils, and pastels to add additional levels of interest. My paintings have been described as "soothing"... perhaps they are sensing my effort to bring simplicity and calm to a complicated world.

      • White Swan 22-120
        White Swan 22-120
      • White Swan 22-121
        White Swan 22-121
      • Florida Landscape 22-113
        Florida Landscape 22-113
    Thank You, Mirrorton Apartments!

    Thank You, Mirrorton Apartments!

    WebsiteLakeland, Florida

    We are super grateful to Mirrorton Apartments for hosting this year's Artful Bowl, which will include the One Wall exhibit on Friday and Saturday, 7:30pm-10:00pm!

      • Entrance
    Marisha Nowak

    Marisha Nowak

    EmailEmail 2InstagramTicTokDundee, Florida

    My paintings are my hardest stories and my best loves. I am a survivor of human trafficking and a long-term Parkinson's diagnosis. Today, I talk with art because my voice breaks and fails me for what I yearn to express. I paint my secrets — painting is my hand, eye and brain therapy. I have a basket full of projects waiting for breaks in my symptoms... I'll get to them. My hands settle like the waves of the ocean, I wait for stillness. I want to share my hope and gratitude, and to tell each one of you that the sun will rise. There is joy in difficult circumstances, there is always something beautiful.

      • Canvas 2
        Canvas 2
      • Canvas 3
        Canvas 3
      • Canvas 8
        Canvas 8
      • Canvas 6
        Canvas 6
      • Canvas 7
        Canvas 7
      • Canvas 9
        Canvas 9
      • Canvas 1
        Canvas 1
      • Canvas 5
        Canvas 5
    Stephen Koury

    Stephen Koury

    WebsiteJournalLakeland, Florida

    I want the viewer to feel as if he or she could step into my paintings. I want them to feel the essence of the animal, be carried away to a beautiful island in a changing world. To see the creatures that live there as whole and complete... belonging there.

      • Great Light Great Egret I
        Great Light Great Egret I
      • Sailor's Delight
        Sailor's Delight
      • Morning Salute
        Morning Salute
      • Working the Bubble Line
        Working the Bubble Line
      • Great Light Great Egret II
        Great Light Great Egret II
      • Marsh Colors
        Marsh Colors
      • Sisters
      • Forest Hunter
        Forest Hunter
    About One Wall 2022

    About One Wall 2022

    FacebookInstagramEmailLakeland, Florida

    I am pleased to announce my newest addition to the Bohrer Gallery creative portfolio of fine art shows! The One Wall art exhibit and grant project is a new series of fine art shows for a good cause. I'm exited to present One Wall in collaboration with Cynthia Haffey and Platform Art's Artful Bowl!

    One Wall will feature select artworks from 20 central Florida artists, together with live music by local singer-songwriter Anisette Mayer and local brews from Swan Brewing! Proceeds will, in part, support the new One Wall grant program, which is designed to help working artists who've suffered damage to their studios.

    RSVP today to join us in celebrating and supporting the arts!

    -- Dates --
    One Wall Opening Night: Friday, Dec. 2, 7:30 to 10pm.
    Artful Bowl and One Wall: Saturday, Dec. 3, 7:30 to 10pm.

    -- Place --
    Mirrorton Apartments
    309 Mirrorton Avenue
    Lakeland FL 33801

    -- RSVP --
    Click here, then pick either the $20 "One Wall, a pre-party exhibit" option or one of the "Artful Bowl" options, all of which include One Wall admission.

      Marilyn Rackelman

      Marilyn Rackelman

      WebsiteFacebookWinter Haven, Florida

      I was immersed in fables and fairytales as a child, and lucky enough to have a wealth of natural space to investigate. The beautiful, mysterious, fierce, yet endearing qualities of nature inspired me to merge animal and human likeness together, rearranging their parts into the sometimes charming and sometimes eerie characters of those childhood myths. Animals are like us in their feelings and emotions, they have stories to tell! Sculpture is my way of being a storyteller.

        • Grandma’s Favorite
          Grandma’s Favorite
        • Gabriel
        • Firebird
        • She’s Complicated
          She’s Complicated
        • Prudence
        • Welcome Bird
          Welcome Bird
        • Woman King
          Woman King
        • Extinction is Forever
          Extinction is Forever
        • Little Red
          Little Red
        • Pandora
        • Sunbird
        • Spike
        • TimeMaster
        • Her Warning Song
          Her Warning Song
      Thank You, Cynthia Haffey!

      Thank You, Cynthia Haffey!

      Platform ArtLakeland, Florida

      Cynthia Haffey, and her nonprofit organization Platform Art, has been organizing the popular Artful Bowl annual soiree for over 10 years now. Bohrer Gallery is grateful to her for offering the opportunity to collaborate on this new One Wall exhibit, which will be presented as a Friday prelude to Artful Bowl this year. Thank you, Cynthia!

        • Platform Art Logo
          Platform Art Logo
        • Cynthia Haffey
          Cynthia Haffey
      John Jacopelle

      John Jacopelle

      WebsiteInstagramLake Wales, FL

      My paintings are my views of the world through consciousness and unconsciousness. Devoid of preconceived ideas and direction, I take a stream of consciousness approach, where the act of doing or the process is equally important to the finished piece. Rendered in ambiguity yet painted with clear definitiveness, organic shapes, rhythmic lines, and glyphic marks develop as I work, leaving each piece open to the viewers interpretation.

        • I Lay In Wait
          I Lay In Wait
        • Christmas Day
          Christmas Day
        • Water Tower
          Water Tower
        • Concession Stand
          Concession Stand
        • Parade Wave
          Parade Wave
        • Pumpkin Patch
          Pumpkin Patch
        • On Cove Island
          On Cove Island
      Bill Darrah

      Bill Darrah

      Bradenton, Florida

      I simply enjoy painting and drawing. I always have, but more so now as painting helps me feel good about myself and keeps my mind busy. Painting provides an escape from my everyday worries, thus improving my mental and physical health. I have been painting the landscape and culture of Florida for 55 years now, and I've shown in 600 or so local art shows in that time. Now I jury many of those shows based on my lifetime of experience. My work has been displayed and collected throughout the United States.

        • Turtle Excercise
          Turtle Excercise
        • Old Florida Home
          Old Florida Home
        • Free Ride
          Free Ride
        • Landscape
        • Paradise Seafood
          Paradise Seafood
        • Florida Landscape
          Florida Landscape
        • Sailing in Orange Skies
          Sailing in Orange Skies
        • New York
          New York
        • Island Floating Cabanas
          Island Floating Cabanas
        • Sailing the Seas
          Sailing the Seas
        • The Lighthouse
          The Lighthouse
        • Kayak Adventure
          Kayak Adventure
        • Private Island Hide-a-way
          Private Island Hide-a-way
        • Untitled 1
          Untitled 1
        • Garden
        • Old Fish House
          Old Fish House
        • Abstract #1
          Abstract #1
        • Two Birds
          Two Birds
        • Angel Fish
          Angel Fish
        • White Sands
          White Sands
      Kokó Brandão

      Kokó Brandão

      WebsiteLakeland, Florida

      My paintings are raw and visceral, they are products of instinct and not intellect. I just want to show my fervent love for painting and color and emotion, and I celebrate all of these with colors that merge, clash, appear and disappear on the canvas. I passionately engage in this process, here is the result.

        • Feeling
        • Stump
        • Inside
        • Contact
      Daryl Ward

      Daryl Ward

      WebsiteInstagramLakeland, Florida

      Robert Frost famously wrote, "Something there is that doesn't love a wall." But it appears we do love walls - they're everywhere... walling things in and keeping things out. Interestingly, nature loves walls as well. As a fine-art landscape photographer, I've come to see "nature's walls" as sublime subjects for creative exploration. For this One Wall show, I've curated some of my images over the past ten years to choose selections that highlight the very best walls nature has to offer.

        • A Narrows Escape
          A Narrows Escape
        • Canyon Wonder
          Canyon Wonder
        • Some Walls Have All The Luck
          Some Walls Have All The Luck
        • The Way in is The Way Out
          The Way in is The Way Out
        • That's How The Light Gets In
          That's How The Light Gets In
        • Desert Wall of Stars
          Desert Wall of Stars
      Allyson Bode (SoulSpeak Studios)

      Allyson Bode (SoulSpeak Studios)

      WebsiteInstagramFacebookWinter Garden, Florida

      I am a weird and whimsical fabrication artist. I have a background in both special effects and traditional fine arts, and I apply all of this experience to my collection of interesting and unconventional materials. I intend to create something new, so my subjects and my process constantly evolve. I am excited to see how my artwork grows.

        • Ripples in the Deep
          Ripples in the Deep
        • Sakura
        • Honey
        • Naia
        • Hinami
        • Andromeda
        • Monica
        • Persephone
        • Nubia
      Melanie Smith

      Melanie Smith

      WebsiteFacebookLakeland, Florida

      An enduring love for natural Florida defines my work. Florida's sunny, ambient coastlines and colorful, varied wildlife are uniquely beautiful and I strive to capture them artistically in absolute detail. Simply put, this state has my heart! My works display in private residences and commercial properties throughout the Southeast. I hope my art will please the eye, inspire the heart and bring a smile to my collectors.

        • White Pelican
          White Pelican
        • Blue Heron
          Blue Heron
        • In the Cypress
          In the Cypress
        • In Flight
          In Flight
        • P!NK
        • Rouge
        • Summer Visitor
          Summer Visitor
        • Night Watch
          Night Watch
      Greg Jones

      Greg Jones

      EmailLakeland, Florida

      Gregory Jones was born in Martinsville, VA in 1946. He received his undergraduate degrees from Polk State College in 1966, and from University of South Florida in 1968. He has lived in Lakeland since 1957 and has received 1200 awards in all, including honors from the Guggenheim Museum's director and the Art Critic from Time Magazine.

        • Path to the Trees
          Path to the Trees
        • Dancing Chair in Red
          Dancing Chair in Red
        • Tiny Train cars
          Tiny Train cars
        • Trail Through the Woods
          Trail Through the Woods
        • Three Red Trees
          Three Red Trees
        • Tiny Stick Chair
          Tiny Stick Chair
        • Anomaly in the Park
          Anomaly in the Park
        • Tiny Dancing Chair in Yellow
          Tiny Dancing Chair in Yellow
        • Little Dancing Vanity
          Little Dancing Vanity
        • Blue Ridge Trees
          Blue Ridge Trees
        • Trees in the Hills
          Trees in the Hills
        • Tiny Yellow Chair
          Tiny Yellow Chair
        • Wood Chair in Gray
          Wood Chair in Gray
        • Tiny Five Trees
          Tiny Five Trees
      Judi Osburn

      Judi Osburn

      WebsiteFacebookWinter Haven, Florida

      Growing up near Chicago, IL, I was fortunate to study under some of the best watercolorists in the area. My business grew, awards were won, and galleries sold my work including Von Der Ahn Gallery in Carmel, CA. After ten years we moved to Winter Haven, FL. My business was flourishing but then, in 2007, I had a stroke and I did not paint again until 2021. I re-learned what had been cleared from the left side of my brain, and a year later my watercolors are reaching people again in many states. Painting is my life and my joy, and I hope these artworks speak to you as well.

        • Friend or Foe
          Friend or Foe
        • Hydrangea 2
          Hydrangea 2
        • Riding High
          Riding High
        • Signature
      Denise Settles

      Denise Settles

      WebsiteFacebookInstagramLakeland, Florida

      Central Florida serves as a muse for most of my work. In my art, I aim to interpret the beauty of the natural world through marks. I translate these onto canvas using calligraphy, pens, Indian ink and watercolor.

        • Hello World #2
          Hello World #2
        • Hello World #3
          Hello World #3
        • Hello World #1
          Hello World #1
        • Hello World #5
          Hello World #5
        • Hello World
          Hello World
        • Hello World #4
          Hello World #4
      About The Bohrer Gallery

      About The Bohrer Gallery

      FacebookInstagramEmailLakeland, Florida

      The Bohrer Gallery, LLC. is a privately owned small business consisting of local Lakeland-area artist Betsy Bohrer and her family. The Bohrer Gallery produces a variety of creative projects annually, such as 4 Squared Makers, our email newsletter the Florida Arts Journal, and the One Wall art exhibit and grant program. Our signature event is Fine Art at the Magnolia, which is held the third weekend in August at the Magnolia Building in downtown Lakeland.


        The Bohrer Gallery

        Betsy Bohrer, Founder and Curator.
        Zach Weatherby, Web, Journal, and Accounts.
        Zoe Alexander, Film and Media Director.
        Ridley Aligerum, Marketing and Graphic Design.

        With gratitude to the City of Lakeland department of Parks and Recreation, the Polk Museum of Art, the Polk Arts and Cultural Alliance, and all of our artists, patrons, and guests.
        back close next
          • Lake Parker Summer Morning
            Lake Parker Summer Morning
            Photography, 2022.

            Tony Guinn
            Tony Guinn. InstagramInstagram (Grayscale)Lakeland, Florida. Hand-embellished photograph with deckle edge, printed on mulberry paper called Unryu, Japanese for "Cloud Dragon". Back-hinged and floated on black mat board above white mounting board with museum glass. 46 x 30 with frame.
          • Beautiful Awakening
            Beautiful Awakening
            Mixed Media, 2022.
            Purchase for $2000, vouchers accepted
            Includes sales tax and shipping.

            Betsy Bohrer
            Betsy Bohrer. EmailFacebookLakeland, Florida. Original mixed media art on distressed paper maps of Florida on canvas as a blend of acrylic paint and ink washes.
          • Euphoric Daydreamer
            Euphoric Daydreamer
            Mixed Media, 2022.
            Purchase for $1200, vouchers accepted
            Includes sales tax and shipping.

            Betsy Bohrer
            Betsy Bohrer. EmailFacebookLakeland, Florida. Original mixed media art on distressed paper on canvas size (8" x 24") as a blend of acrylic paint with ink washes.
          • This Year's One Wall Grant Recipient: the Fort Myers Beach Art Association!
            This Year's One Wall Grant Recipient: the Fort Myers Beach Art Association!
            Photo, 0.

            Journal Articles for OneWall2022
            Journal Articles for OneWall2022. Lakeland, Florida. This Year's One Wall Grant Recipient: the Fort Myers Beach Art Association!
          • Maguire Logo
            Maguire Logo
            Photo, 2022.

            Michael Maguire
            Michael Maguire. FacebookLakeland, FL. With thanks to our sponsor, Michael Maguire.
          • The Thick of It
            The Thick of It
            Digital, 2022.

            Ridley Aligerum
            Ridley Aligerum. WebsiteLakeland, Florida. 8x12
          • Unannounced
            Digital, 2022.

            Ridley Aligerum
            Ridley Aligerum. WebsiteLakeland, Florida. 5x5
          • Less Traveled
            Less Traveled
            Digital, 2022.

            Ridley Aligerum
            Ridley Aligerum. WebsiteLakeland, Florida.
          • Waiting
            Digital, 2022.

            Ridley Aligerum
            Ridley Aligerum. WebsiteLakeland, Florida.
          • Swept Up
            Swept Up
            Digital, 2022.

            Ridley Aligerum
            Ridley Aligerum. WebsiteLakeland, Florida.
          • Seeking Counsel
            Seeking Counsel
            Digital, 2022.

            Ridley Aligerum
            Ridley Aligerum. WebsiteLakeland, Florida.
          • In One Piece
            In One Piece
            Digital, 2022.

            Ridley Aligerum
            Ridley Aligerum. WebsiteLakeland, Florida. 8x16
          • White Egret
            White Egret
            Acrylic on Canvas, 2022.

            Cindy Etheredge
            Cindy Etheredge. WebsiteLakeland, Florida. 16”x20”
          • Lowcountry Sunset
            Lowcountry Sunset
            Acrylic on Canvas, 2022.

            Cindy Etheredge
            Cindy Etheredge. WebsiteLakeland, Florida. 9"x12"
          • Central Florida Morning
            Central Florida Morning
            Acrylic on Canvas, 2022.

            Cindy Etheredge
            Cindy Etheredge. WebsiteLakeland, Florida. 12”x16”
          • Preening Heron
            Preening Heron
            Acrylic on Canvas, 2022.

            Cindy Etheredge
            Cindy Etheredge. WebsiteLakeland, Florida. 18”x24”
          • Great Blue Heron
            Great Blue Heron
            Acrylic on Canvas, 2022.

            Cindy Etheredge
            Cindy Etheredge. WebsiteLakeland, Florida. 16”x20”
          • Untitled 2
            Untitled 2
            Painting, 2022.

            Daphne Manning
            Daphne Manning. InstagramWinter Haven, Florida.
          • Untitled 3
            Untitled 3
            Painting, 2022.

            Daphne Manning
            Daphne Manning. InstagramWinter Haven, Florida.
          • Untitled
            Painting, 2022.

            Daphne Manning
            Daphne Manning. InstagramWinter Haven, Florida.
          • Apartment
            Painting, 2019.

            Margaret Baker
            Margaret Baker. WebsiteEmailInstagramFacebookJournalWinter Springs, FL. Oil on linen, maple wood float frame, 12x12 inch canvas, 13x13 inch with frame, ready to hang.
          • Ride
            Painting, 2019.

            Margaret Baker
            Margaret Baker. WebsiteEmailInstagramFacebookJournalWinter Springs, FL. Oil on linen, maple wood float frame, 20x20 inch canvas, 21.5x21.5 inch with frame, ready to hang.
          • Red Chair
            Red Chair
            Painting, 2019.

            Margaret Baker
            Margaret Baker. WebsiteEmailInstagramFacebookJournalWinter Springs, FL. Oil on linen, maple wood float frame, 12x12 inch canvas, 13x13 inch with frame, ready to hang.
          • Mom
            Painting, 2020.

            Margaret Baker
            Margaret Baker. WebsiteEmailInstagramFacebookJournalWinter Springs, FL. Oil on wood panel with ¾" cradle wood, 6x6 inch, ready to hang.
          • 2020 Headache
            2020 Headache
            Painting, 2020.

            Margaret Baker
            Margaret Baker. WebsiteEmailInstagramFacebookJournalWinter Springs, FL. Oil on wood panel with ¾" cradle, 6x6 inch, ready to hang.
          • Three Women
            Three Women
            Painting, 2019.

            Margaret Baker
            Margaret Baker. WebsiteEmailInstagramFacebookJournalWinter Springs, FL. Oil on linen, maple wood float frame, 12x12 inch canvas, 13x13 inch with frame, ready to hang.
          • Wait for Me
            Wait for Me
            Painting, 2019.

            Margaret Baker
            Margaret Baker. WebsiteEmailInstagramFacebookJournalWinter Springs, FL. Oil on linen, maple wood float frame, 12x12 inch canvas, 13x13 inch with frame, ready to hang.
          • Green Chair
            Green Chair
            Painting, 2019.

            Margaret Baker
            Margaret Baker. WebsiteEmailInstagramFacebookJournalWinter Springs, FL. Oil on linen, maple wood float frame, 12x12 inch canvas, 13x13 inch with frame, ready to hang.
          • Beach
            Painting, 2019.

            Margaret Baker
            Margaret Baker. WebsiteEmailInstagramFacebookJournalWinter Springs, FL. Oil on wood panel with 1" wood cradle, 6.5x7.75 inch, ready to hang.
            • White Swan 22-120
              White Swan 22-120
              Painting, 2022.

              Mary May Witte
              Mary May Witte. EmailWebsiteLakeland, Florida. Inspired by Lake Morton swans. Unframed, Acrylic on canvas. (24” x 30”)
            • White Swan 22-121
              White Swan 22-121
              Painting, 2022.

              Mary May Witte
              Mary May Witte. EmailWebsiteLakeland, Florida. Inspired by Lake Morton swans. Unframed, Acrylic on canvas. (24” x 30”)
            • Florida Landscape 22-113
              Florida Landscape 22-113
              Painting, 2022.

              Mary May Witte
              Mary May Witte. EmailWebsiteLakeland, Florida. Inspired by our beautiful Florida waterways. Unframed, Acrylic on Canvas, 40” x 30”
            • Entrance
              Photo, 2022.

              Thank You, Mirrorton Apartments!
              Thank You, Mirrorton Apartments!. WebsiteLakeland, Florida. Thank You, Mirrorton!
            • Great Light Great Egret I
              Great Light Great Egret I
              Giclée Print, 2016.

              Stephen Koury
              Stephen Koury. WebsiteJournalLakeland, Florida. I love to study how elegantly light interacts with white. (20" x 36"). Fine Art Giclée print on canvas limited edition of 250.
            • Sailor's Delight
              Sailor's Delight
              Giclée Print, 2010.

              Stephen Koury
              Stephen Koury. WebsiteJournalLakeland, Florida. I seem to find myself heading home in the dark each time I am referencing because I linger for the sunsets marveling as the colors rapidly change. (8" x 10"). Limited edition of 100 giclee prints on canvas.
            • Morning Salute
              Morning Salute
              Giclée Print, 2018.

              Stephen Koury
              Stephen Koury. WebsiteJournalLakeland, Florida. I am focusing once again on how light interacts elegantly upon different subjects and the spoonbill. (16" x 24"). Fine Art Giclée reproduction on canvas limited edition of 250.
            • Working the Bubble Line
              Working the Bubble Line
              Giclée Print, 2014.

              Stephen Koury
              Stephen Koury. WebsiteJournalLakeland, Florida. I absolutely love watching the small birds racing in and out following the surf, just staying at the edge of the moving bubble line. (12" x 30"). Fine Art Giclée reproduction on canvas limited edition of 250.
            • Great Light Great Egret II
              Great Light Great Egret II
              Giclée Print, 2016.

              Stephen Koury
              Stephen Koury. WebsiteJournalLakeland, Florida. I love to study how elegantly light interacts with white. (20" x 36"). Fine Art Giclée print on canvas limited edition of 250.
            • Marsh Colors
              Marsh Colors
              Giclée Print, 2010.

              Stephen Koury
              Stephen Koury. WebsiteJournalLakeland, Florida. I love sunsets, I spend a great deal of time planning my referencing trips around being at sunsets, none are the same, nature's palette is stunning. 8-inch x 10-inch. Limited edition of 100 giclee prints on canvas.
            • Sisters
              Giclée Print, 2019.

              Stephen Koury
              Stephen Koury. WebsiteJournalLakeland, Florida. Painting larger than life is risky but this piece is about a creature that should be larger than life, so much depends on the honey bee. (16" x 36"). Fine Art Giclée reproduction on canvas limited edition of 250.
            • Forest Hunter
              Forest Hunter
              Giclée Print, 2015.

              Stephen Koury
              Stephen Koury. WebsiteJournalLakeland, Florida. These hawks are birds of the forest, they are curious and continuously investigating, always on the lookout for opportunity. (16" x 30"). Fine Art Giclée reproduction on canvas limited edition of 250.
              • Grandma’s Favorite
                Grandma’s Favorite
                Sculpture, 2022.

                Marilyn Rackelman
                Marilyn Rackelman. WebsiteFacebookWinter Haven, Florida.
              • Gabriel
                Sculpture, 2022.

                Marilyn Rackelman
                Marilyn Rackelman. WebsiteFacebookWinter Haven, Florida. Clay and copper
              • Firebird
                Sculpture, 2022.

                Marilyn Rackelman
                Marilyn Rackelman. WebsiteFacebookWinter Haven, Florida.
              • She’s Complicated
                She’s Complicated
                Sculpture, 2022.

                Marilyn Rackelman
                Marilyn Rackelman. WebsiteFacebookWinter Haven, Florida.
              • Prudence
                Sculpture, 2022.

                Marilyn Rackelman
                Marilyn Rackelman. WebsiteFacebookWinter Haven, Florida. Clay and copper
              • Welcome Bird
                Welcome Bird
                Sculpture, 2022.

                Marilyn Rackelman
                Marilyn Rackelman. WebsiteFacebookWinter Haven, Florida.
              • Woman King
                Woman King
                Sculpture, 2022.

                Marilyn Rackelman
                Marilyn Rackelman. WebsiteFacebookWinter Haven, Florida.
              • Extinction is Forever
                Extinction is Forever
                Sculpture, 2022.

                Marilyn Rackelman
                Marilyn Rackelman. WebsiteFacebookWinter Haven, Florida.
              • Little Red
                Little Red
                Sculpture, 2022.

                Marilyn Rackelman
                Marilyn Rackelman. WebsiteFacebookWinter Haven, Florida.
              • Pandora
                Sculpture, 2022.

                Marilyn Rackelman
                Marilyn Rackelman. WebsiteFacebookWinter Haven, Florida.
              • Sunbird
                Sculpture, 2022.

                Marilyn Rackelman
                Marilyn Rackelman. WebsiteFacebookWinter Haven, Florida. Clay, pyrite, stilibite, antique buttons. 9”x6”
              • Spike
                Sculpture, 2022.

                Marilyn Rackelman
                Marilyn Rackelman. WebsiteFacebookWinter Haven, Florida. Clay, copper, glaze, acrylic, 21.5”x13”x11
              • TimeMaster
                Sculpture, 2022.

                Marilyn Rackelman
                Marilyn Rackelman. WebsiteFacebookWinter Haven, Florida. Clay, Quartz and Amethyst, freshwater pearl, timepiece, silver hand, glass beads. 8”x5”
              • Her Warning Song
                Her Warning Song
                Sculpture, 2022.

                Marilyn Rackelman
                Marilyn Rackelman. WebsiteFacebookWinter Haven, Florida.
              • Platform Art Logo
                Platform Art Logo
                Photo, 2022.

                Thank You, Cynthia Haffey!
                Thank You, Cynthia Haffey!. Platform ArtLakeland, Florida.
              • Cynthia Haffey
                Cynthia Haffey
                Photo, 2022.

                Thank You, Cynthia Haffey!
                Thank You, Cynthia Haffey!. Platform ArtLakeland, Florida.
              • I Lay In Wait
                I Lay In Wait
                Acrylic on Canvas, 2022.

                John Jacopelle
                John Jacopelle. WebsiteInstagramLake Wales, FL. 24" x 24"
              • Christmas Day
                Christmas Day
                Acrylic on Canvas, 2022.

                John Jacopelle
                John Jacopelle. WebsiteInstagramLake Wales, FL. 36" x 36"
              • Water Tower
                Water Tower
                Acrylic on Canvas, 2022.

                John Jacopelle
                John Jacopelle. WebsiteInstagramLake Wales, FL. 24" x 24"
              • Concession Stand
                Concession Stand
                Acrylic on Canvas, 2022.

                John Jacopelle
                John Jacopelle. WebsiteInstagramLake Wales, FL. 24" x 24"
              • Parade Wave
                Parade Wave
                Acrylic on Canvas, 2022.

                John Jacopelle
                John Jacopelle. WebsiteInstagramLake Wales, FL. 24" x 24"
              • Pumpkin Patch
                Pumpkin Patch
                Acrylic on Canvas, 2022.

                John Jacopelle
                John Jacopelle. WebsiteInstagramLake Wales, FL. 36" x 36"
              • On Cove Island
                On Cove Island
                Acrylic on Canvas, 2022.

                John Jacopelle
                John Jacopelle. WebsiteInstagramLake Wales, FL. 24" x 24"
              • Turtle Excercise
                Turtle Excercise
                Acrylic, 2023.

                Bill Darrah
                Bill Darrah. Bradenton, Florida.
              • Old Florida Home
                Old Florida Home
                Painting, 2019.

                Bill Darrah
                Bill Darrah. Bradenton, Florida. Mixed Medium: Ink with crayola crayons on paper (33 x 33) inches overall size. Framed with mat and glass
              • Old Florida Home
                Old Florida Home (detail 1)
                Painting, 2019.

                Bill Darrah
                Bill Darrah. Bradenton, Florida. Mixed Medium: Ink with crayola crayons on paper (33 x 33) inches overall size. Framed with mat and glass
              • Free Ride
                Free Ride
                Acrylic, 2023.

                Bill Darrah
                Bill Darrah. Bradenton, Florida.
              • Landscape
                Painting, 2019.

                Bill Darrah
                Bill Darrah. Bradenton, Florida. Acrylic paint on canvas, wired for hanging (24 x 48)
              • Paradise Seafood
                Paradise Seafood
                Painting, 2019.

                Bill Darrah
                Bill Darrah. Bradenton, Florida. Acrylic painting on watercolor paper. (30 x 36) inches, overall size. Framed with mat and glass
              • Paradise Seafood
                Paradise Seafood (detail 1)
                Painting, 2019.

                Bill Darrah
                Bill Darrah. Bradenton, Florida. Acrylic painting on watercolor paper. (30 x 36) inches, overall size. Framed with mat and glass
              • Florida Landscape
                Florida Landscape
                Acrylic, 2023.

                Bill Darrah
                Bill Darrah. Bradenton, Florida.
              • Sailing in Orange Skies
                Sailing in Orange Skies
                Painting, 2019.

                Bill Darrah
                Bill Darrah. Bradenton, Florida. Mixed Medium: Ink with acrylic paint and magic markers on paper. (27 x 36) inches, overall size. Framed with mat and glass
              • Sailing in Orange Skies
                Sailing in Orange Skies (detail 1)
                Painting, 2019.

                Bill Darrah
                Bill Darrah. Bradenton, Florida. Mixed Medium: Ink with acrylic paint and magic markers on paper. (27 x 36) inches, overall size. Framed with mat and glass
              • New York
                New York
                Painting, 2019.

                Bill Darrah
                Bill Darrah. Bradenton, Florida. Acrylic paint on canvas, wired for hanging. (36 x 36)
              • Island Floating Cabanas
                Island Floating Cabanas
                Acrylic, 2022.

                Bill Darrah
                Bill Darrah. Bradenton, Florida.
              • Sailing the Seas
                Sailing the Seas
                Painting, 2019.

                Bill Darrah
                Bill Darrah. Bradenton, Florida. 4"x4" painting for 4 Squared Makers.
              • The Lighthouse
                The Lighthouse
                Painting, 2019.

                Bill Darrah
                Bill Darrah. Bradenton, Florida. Acrylic paint on canvas, wired for hanging. (24 x 36)
              • Kayak Adventure
                Kayak Adventure
                Acrylic, 2023.

                Bill Darrah
                Bill Darrah. Bradenton, Florida.
              • Private Island Hide-a-way
                Private Island Hide-a-way
                Acrylic, 2022.

                Bill Darrah
                Bill Darrah. Bradenton, Florida.
              • Untitled 1
                Untitled 1
                Acrylic, 2022.

                Bill Darrah
                Bill Darrah. Bradenton, Florida.
              • Garden
                Painting, 2019.

                Bill Darrah
                Bill Darrah. Bradenton, Florida. 4"x4" painting for 4 Squared Makers.
              • Old Fish House
                Old Fish House
                Painting, 2019.

                Bill Darrah
                Bill Darrah. Bradenton, Florida. Mixed Medium: Ink with acrylic paint and magic markers on paper. (25 x 30) inches, overall size. Framed with mat and glass
              • Abstract #1
                Abstract #1
                Painting, 2019.

                Bill Darrah
                Bill Darrah. Bradenton, Florida. Acrylic painting on acid free watercolor paper (34 x 34) inches overall size. Framed with mat and glass
              • Abstract #1
                Abstract #1 (detail 1)
                Painting, 2019.

                Bill Darrah
                Bill Darrah. Bradenton, Florida. Acrylic painting on acid free watercolor paper (34 x 34) inches overall size. Framed with mat and glass
              • Two Birds
                Two Birds
                Painting, 2019.

                Bill Darrah
                Bill Darrah. Bradenton, Florida. Acrylic paint on canvas, wired for hanging. (16 x 40)
              • Angel Fish
                Angel Fish
                Painting, 2019.

                Bill Darrah
                Bill Darrah. Bradenton, Florida. Acrylic paint on canvas, wired for hanging. (30 x 48)
              • White Sands
                White Sands
                Acrylic, 2022.

                Bill Darrah
                Bill Darrah. Bradenton, Florida.
              • Feeling
                Painting, 2022.

                Kokó Brandão
                Kokó Brandão. WebsiteLakeland, Florida. 48x56in
              • Stump
                Painting, 2022.

                Kokó Brandão
                Kokó Brandão. WebsiteLakeland, Florida. 40x40in
              • Inside
                Painting, 2022.

                Kokó Brandão
                Kokó Brandão. WebsiteLakeland, Florida. 36x36in
              • Contact
                Painting, 2022.

                Kokó Brandão
                Kokó Brandão. WebsiteLakeland, Florida. 36x36in
              • A Narrows Escape
                A Narrows Escape
                Photography, 2022.

                Daryl Ward
                Daryl Ward. WebsiteInstagramLakeland, Florida.
              • Canyon Wonder
                Canyon Wonder
                Photography, 2022.

                Daryl Ward
                Daryl Ward. WebsiteInstagramLakeland, Florida.
              • Some Walls Have All The Luck
                Some Walls Have All The Luck
                Photography, 2022.

                Daryl Ward
                Daryl Ward. WebsiteInstagramLakeland, Florida.
              • The Way in is The Way Out
                The Way in is The Way Out
                Photography, 2022.

                Daryl Ward
                Daryl Ward. WebsiteInstagramLakeland, Florida.
              • That's How The Light Gets In
                That's How The Light Gets In
                Photography, 2022.

                Daryl Ward
                Daryl Ward. WebsiteInstagramLakeland, Florida.
              • Desert Wall of Stars
                Desert Wall of Stars
                Photography, 2022.

                Daryl Ward
                Daryl Ward. WebsiteInstagramLakeland, Florida.
              • Ripples in the Deep
                Ripples in the Deep
                Mixed Media, 2022.

                Allyson Bode (SoulSpeak Studios)
                Allyson Bode (SoulSpeak Studios). WebsiteInstagramFacebookWinter Garden, Florida. Gesso on canvas, acrylic and enamel paint, Resin and Fabric. 16"x20"
              • Sakura
                Mixed Media, 2022.

                Allyson Bode (SoulSpeak Studios)
                Allyson Bode (SoulSpeak Studios). WebsiteInstagramFacebookWinter Garden, Florida. Epoxy Clay, Acrylic Paint, Fabric and Resin. 5.75”x15”
              • Honey
                Mixed Media, 2022.

                Allyson Bode (SoulSpeak Studios)
                Allyson Bode (SoulSpeak Studios). WebsiteInstagramFacebookWinter Garden, Florida. Epoxy Clay, Acrylic Paint, Fabric, Resin and Gold Leaf. 6.5”x9.75”
              • Naia
                Mixed Media, 2022.

                Allyson Bode (SoulSpeak Studios)
                Allyson Bode (SoulSpeak Studios). WebsiteInstagramFacebookWinter Garden, Florida. Epoxy Clay, Acrylic Paint, Paper Flowers, Fabric and Resin. 6”x12”
              • Hinami
                Mixed Media, 2022.

                Allyson Bode (SoulSpeak Studios)
                Allyson Bode (SoulSpeak Studios). WebsiteInstagramFacebookWinter Garden, Florida. Epoxy Clay, Acrylic Paint, Fabric and Resin. 5”x10.5”
              • Andromeda
                Mixed Media, 2022.

                Allyson Bode (SoulSpeak Studios)
                Allyson Bode (SoulSpeak Studios). WebsiteInstagramFacebookWinter Garden, Florida. Epoxy Clay, Acrylic Paint, Fabric and Resin. 6.5”x8.5”
              • Monica
                Mixed Media, 2022.

                Allyson Bode (SoulSpeak Studios)
                Allyson Bode (SoulSpeak Studios). WebsiteInstagramFacebookWinter Garden, Florida. Epoxy Clay, Acrylic Paint, Fabric and Resin. 6”x9.75”
              • Persephone
                Mixed Media, 2022.

                Allyson Bode (SoulSpeak Studios)
                Allyson Bode (SoulSpeak Studios). WebsiteInstagramFacebookWinter Garden, Florida. Epoxy Clay, Acrylic Paint, Fabric, Resin, Embroidery Hoop. 7.5”x11.5”
              • Nubia
                Mixed Media, 2022.

                Allyson Bode (SoulSpeak Studios)
                Allyson Bode (SoulSpeak Studios). WebsiteInstagramFacebookWinter Garden, Florida. Epoxy Clay, Acrylic Paint, Fabric and Resin. 5.5”x12.5”
              • White Pelican
                White Pelican
                Painting, 2022.

                Melanie Smith
                Melanie Smith. WebsiteFacebookLakeland, Florida.
              • Blue Heron
                Blue Heron
                Painting, 2022.

                Melanie Smith
                Melanie Smith. WebsiteFacebookLakeland, Florida.
              • In the Cypress
                In the Cypress
                Painting, 2022.

                Melanie Smith
                Melanie Smith. WebsiteFacebookLakeland, Florida.
              • In Flight
                In Flight
                Painting, 2022.

                Melanie Smith
                Melanie Smith. WebsiteFacebookLakeland, Florida.
              • P!NK
                Painting, 2022.

                Melanie Smith
                Melanie Smith. WebsiteFacebookLakeland, Florida.
              • Rouge
                Painting, 2022.

                Melanie Smith
                Melanie Smith. WebsiteFacebookLakeland, Florida.
              • Summer Visitor
                Summer Visitor
                Painting, 2022.

                Melanie Smith
                Melanie Smith. WebsiteFacebookLakeland, Florida.
              • Night Watch
                Night Watch
                Painting, 2022.

                Melanie Smith
                Melanie Smith. WebsiteFacebookLakeland, Florida.
              • Path to the Trees
                Path to the Trees
                Painting, 2020.

                Greg Jones
                Greg Jones. EmailLakeland, Florida. Acrylic and ink landscape, (11.5" x 9.5") (matted and framed)
              • Dancing Chair in Red
                Dancing Chair in Red
                Painting, 2017.

                Greg Jones
                Greg Jones. EmailLakeland, Florida. Acrylic of a chair in motion, (13" x 15.25").
              • Tiny Train cars
                Tiny Train cars
                Painting, 2020.

                Greg Jones
                Greg Jones. EmailLakeland, Florida. Acrylic landscape with boxcars, (10" x 8.25") (matted, framed with glass).
              • Trail Through the Woods
                Trail Through the Woods
                Painting, 2019.

                Greg Jones
                Greg Jones. EmailLakeland, Florida. Acrylic Landscape, (11.75" x 15") (matted and framed with glass).
              • Three Red Trees
                Three Red Trees
                Painting, 2015.

                Greg Jones
                Greg Jones. EmailLakeland, Florida. Acrylic three threes in earth tones and white, (15.5" x 19.75").
              • Tiny Stick Chair
                Tiny Stick Chair
                Painting, 2020.

                Greg Jones
                Greg Jones. EmailLakeland, Florida. Acrylic painting of a chair, (6.5" x 8.5").
              • Anomaly in the Park
                Anomaly in the Park
                Painting, 2019.

                Greg Jones
                Greg Jones. EmailLakeland, Florida. Acrylic and ink chair with human legs, (12" x 15") (matted, framed with glass).
              • Tiny Dancing Chair in Yellow
                Tiny Dancing Chair in Yellow
                Painting, 2017.

                Greg Jones
                Greg Jones. EmailLakeland, Florida. Acrylic and ink chair, (8" x 8") (matted, framed with glass).
              • Little Dancing Vanity
                Little Dancing Vanity
                Painting, 2012.

                Greg Jones
                Greg Jones. EmailLakeland, Florida. Mixed Media of a chest of drawers in motion, (16.25" x 16.25") (matted and framed with glass)
              • Blue Ridge Trees
                Blue Ridge Trees
                Painting, 2019.

                Greg Jones
                Greg Jones. EmailLakeland, Florida. Acrylic landscape, (18" x 11.5") (matted and framed with glass).
              • Trees in the Hills
                Trees in the Hills
                Painting, 2020.

                Greg Jones
                Greg Jones. EmailLakeland, Florida. Acrylic landscape of four trees, (18" x 14. 25") (matted, framed with glass).
              • Tiny Yellow Chair
                Tiny Yellow Chair
                Painting, 2020.

                Greg Jones
                Greg Jones. EmailLakeland, Florida. Acrylic chair, (10" x 12") (matted, framed with glass).
              • Wood Chair in Gray
                Wood Chair in Gray
                Painting, 2016.

                Greg Jones
                Greg Jones. EmailLakeland, Florida. Acrylic chair, (11.75" x 14.75") (matted, framed with glass).
              • Tiny Five Trees
                Tiny Five Trees
                Painting, 2020.

                Greg Jones
                Greg Jones. EmailLakeland, Florida. Acrylic and ink landscape, (8" x 8").
              • Friend or Foe
                Friend or Foe
                Painting, 2022.

                Judi Osburn
                Judi Osburn. WebsiteFacebookWinter Haven, Florida. 25x25in
              • Friend or Foe
                Friend or Foe (detail 1)
                Painting, 2022.

                Judi Osburn
                Judi Osburn. WebsiteFacebookWinter Haven, Florida. 25x25in
              • Hydrangea 2
                Hydrangea 2
                Painting, 2022.

                Judi Osburn
                Judi Osburn. WebsiteFacebookWinter Haven, Florida.
              • Riding High
                Riding High
                Painting, 2022.

                Judi Osburn
                Judi Osburn. WebsiteFacebookWinter Haven, Florida. 13x17in
              • Riding High
                Riding High (detail 1)
                Painting, 2022.

                Judi Osburn
                Judi Osburn. WebsiteFacebookWinter Haven, Florida. 13x17in
              • Signature
                Painting, 2022.

                Judi Osburn
                Judi Osburn. WebsiteFacebookWinter Haven, Florida. 14x20in
              • Signature
                Signature (detail 1)
                Painting, 2022.

                Judi Osburn
                Judi Osburn. WebsiteFacebookWinter Haven, Florida. 14x20in